Sensitive & Intense Kids for Small Groups


This is the Small Group version of Sensitive & Intense Kids. Go here to purchase individual access.

  • LEADERS, purchase a license for each household in your group from 3 to 15.
  • Large group? Contact us to discuss a customized rate.
  • Budget constraints? Fill out this form to discuss a customized price
  • If you’d like to implement this resource on a large scale, learn more about our Partnership Program.

This course covers all 4 levels of the Framework with an emphasis on Connect and Coach.

Learn more about the course in the description section below.

Sometimes parenting one particular child presents extra challenges. As our most comprehensive course ever, this 7-session course will give you compelling information that will transform how you see your sensitive and intense kids. You will feel equipped to care for your child by approaching their challenges through the lens of their nervous system and not just from a behavioral standpoint.

When you meet the sensory needs of your child, it enables you to focus on forming deep bonds of connection instead of just striving for conflict management. Parenting a sensitive and intense child is actually an amazing gift when we see their potential and build their identity around God’s grace and truth in their lives.

Small Group Leaders…

Purchase a license based on the number of households in your group. As the leader, you will receive an email with the following:

  • Leaders Guide, with tips on how to run a small group.
  • Promotional Materials, including a video, poster, and images to help you market your small group.
  • Workbook – Everyone in your group needs a copy of the workbook. You can download a PDF and then print it. Or, if you prefer, you can  and have them mailed to you.
  • Registration Link for Group Members –  This link prompts members to register for the class and has them set up their own account on the community website. They will have access to all the videos and content for the course, even after your class has finished meeting.
Small Group Size

2-5 families, 6-10 families, 11-15 families

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