Healthy Rhythms for Daily Life*


Kids need predictable family rhythms to support their physical and emotional well-being. Although you know this, you may have a child (or several) who struggles with bedtime, screen use, chores, and meals. Instead of building family connections, these activities can be a source of daily frustration.

If this sounds familiar to your family, the Healthy Rhythms for Daily Life online course is for you. In this course, you’ll gain valuable and practical insights rooted in both Biblical teachings and brain science.

Don’t miss this opportunity to build healthy family rhythms that grow connection and wisdom in your kids!

*if you’re enrolled in our Sensitive & Intense Kids online course, you already have access to this course. You’ll find it under “My Courses” on the Learning Hub.

If you find bedtime, screen use, chores and meals to be sources of frustration instead of connection, Healthy Rhythms for Daily Life is for you. This course is designed to help you meet your child’s specific needs, and establish rhythms that work for them:

BEDTIME – 5 minute video, Sleep Ebook
Learn how to create a bedtime routine that works for you and your child. By focusing on connection and security, you can help decrease bedtime anxiety for your child.

SCREENS – 10 minute video, many extra resources
You’ll get tools to educate your kids on the effects of screen time, set clear rules together, and find a healthy balance that works for your family.

CHORES – 13 minute video, many extra resources
Discover the “happiness trifecta” and how it will make chores less of a chore.  You’ll learn how to invite your kids to participate in chores at a young age; cultivating a sense of responsibility, accomplishment, and community.

MEALS – 20 minute audio from a registered dietitian, Picky Eater Ebook
Decrease mealtime power struggles by examining your relationship with food and learn to create a culture of joy around food. 

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